
Basic calculus 1
Basic calculus 1

basic calculus 1

Nevertheless textbook provides some flexibility, to "jump" between the chapters in accordance with the instructor's requirement (syllabus content). Modularity is not a strong side of Math textbooks, since the sequence of sections matters, topics being built one on another. The framework and the structure of the textbook is well architected. The textbook is consistent with its goal. Text is written with simple and understandable language, which is not an easy task for Math textbooks. Though a bit more connection to modern/practical applications would be beneficial. But, the way the math subjects are explained in the Textbook is modern and well up-to-date. Math as a subject is quite pre-defined in terms of factual content and there is really nothing to update. The text is clear and well formulated, It does not cause any bias or misinterpretation. The content is accurate, I never found any factual errors in the Textbook, and provided information was accurate. The index is accurate and easy to navigate, though slight changes in the sequence of chapters might be introduced. I found it much more comfortable for students to work with. So I would say the Textbook is comprehensive but not ideal, which does not reduce its value.

#Basic calculus 1 full

Textbook represents a well-thought compromise of comprehensive mathematical material, providing the full amount of knowledge on the given subject, but sometimes omitting the details which might be overburdening for the students, especially for those of non-math major. Reviewed by Mikheil Elashvili, Part-time Faculty, Bridgewater State University on 12/9/22 A visual or applet for the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus would be great. The explanation of the average value function was very good. Images for some of the properties of definite integrals could be helpful. The media links I was able to open I thought were very good. Most references to individuals seems neutral. I didn't find any instances of culturally insensitive or offensive text. I did have trouble with some media links but I'm attributing that to the work computers and blocking access to some sites. I was curious why delta x(sub i) was not included in the definition of a Riemann sum but this was later explained in 5.2. Yes, the text is nicely broken into manageable sections that could be rearranged if necessary. The limit rule for sinx/x as x approaches 0 is explained in 2.3, but I would like this to have it's Theorem or Rule box. This would include many of the functions mentioned in chapter 1 (they could be included in the Precalculus review), the existence of a limit, the compound formula and continuous compound formula. There were some bold terms that I would have like to see get a boxed definition. It was formal when necessary but otherwise friendly or not stuffy. I thought the writing was very accessible. Many chapter openers and student projects involve situations that would interest students.

basic calculus 1

I appreciate the informal proofs about limits at infinity along with the formal proofs. It provides greater accuracy but uncertainty about if it's an upper or lower sum. I would also say that about the midpoint rule for finding area under a curve, not necessary but gives the alternative to an upper sum and lower sum. This isn't required but is nice to get exposure to in Calculus 1. The text covers all topics I was expecting except for a discussion about normal lines. Reviewed by Pat Miceli, Associate Professor, City Colleges of Chicago on 4/10/23

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